Our Story:
BIOCENCE® Is a Botanical Anti-Pathogenic Selective Multi-use Advance Wound Care And Antiseptic Droplets just doing what Antiseptics are suppose to do! Made In The USA that eradicates antibiotic-resistant bacteria, virus, fungi and mold in 30 seconds time or less without harm to healthy cells making it micro selective. A nonprescription, or over-the-counter (OTC) human drug medicine like Biocence Botanical Antiseptic is one that the has been found to be safe and effective for direct consumer use based on the label instructions and warnings. Biocence is a non-prescription Botanical Antiseptic.
Biocence is a unique, incomparable and “stand alone,” “Selective Antibacterial Botanical Antiseptic that has shown in repetitive USA BSL 3-4 independent laboratory challenges, its 30 second or less “kill times” on ALL pathogenic Bacterial/Fungal Phyla and VII viral groups, while supporting beneficial microbes. Its R.I.P.Ts clinical studies have shown 100% non-reactive, treated epithelial surfaces, regardless of gender, age and ethnicity. Whether Biocence is being utilized for Wound (Acute, Chronic, Burns, Lacerations, Abrasions), Ostomy (Colonostomies, Ileostomies, Peritonostomies, TPN-shunts) and Continence Care (Intra-urethral and intra- vesicular catheters); Neonatal/Pediatric wards (IV sites, Intra-ventricular shunts, endotracheal tube apsepsis); Diabetic wards with pre/post-op amputees and their requirements for “stump” antisepsis and treatment of ulcerative lesions associated with the Low Leg Syndrome; and patients in Skilled Nursing Facilities with the innumerable, “pressure point” ulcerations, Biocence Botanical is an effective, safe and multi-purpose, that will positively affect the morbidity/mortality statistics in all venues of the healthcare industry while greatly reducing health care cost and can be used both on animate and inanimate surfaces.
Laboratory studies in BSL 2, 3 &4 facilities have demonstrated a 30 second or less “kill” time with bacterial, viral and fungal, pathogenic agents the likes of E. coli, K. pneumoniae, E. cloacae, Acinetobacter, Enterococcus spp, to include VRE. Among the staphylococci both MRSA/MRSE, Beta-hemolytic streptococci, Enterbacteriaceae, otherwise known as the gram-negative organisms isolated from the gastrointestinal tract, which include non-enterics such as Pseudomnas aeruginosa, bactericidal against both the Ames & Sterns strains of Bacillus anthracis both Spore and vegetative form in several replicate studies. Asperigillus niger, Candida albicans, Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas stutzeri, Enterobacter cloacae to name a few.
The World Health Organization identified antimicrobial resistance as a severe and rapidly growing threat to global health that could undermine decades of progress in combating infectious diseases and preventing healthcare related infections. The true cost of antibiotic resistance will be 300 million premature deaths and up to $100 trillion in global economic losses by 2050.“A post-antibiotic era means, in effect, an end to modern medicine as we know it.” – Margaret Chan, Director General, World Health Organization
suggested Wound Care
Whether acute or chronic, wound healing is predicated on two axiomatic absolutes: A. Oxygenation and B. Effective Asepsis. An ideal application for wound care is a product line which gives effective and validated, “selective microbial, anti-pathogenic, pan-microbiocidal” activities; one which will not create a resistance modality during extended usage and one which is eco/bio-friendly with confirmation in repetitive BSL 2-4 laboratory testing to eradicate, within 30 seconds or less.
Biocence has successfully treated and healed a number of “scheduled for amputation,” diabetic patients and the patient salvation of no post-op recovery pain and marked immobility, along with significantly reduced patient and hospital costs, are enormous. Biocence is a proven, clinically effective “selective microbial/antimicrobial” player in this national and global arena of diabetic wound care, acute and chronic; effectively suppressing diseases and healing infected, recalcitrant and unresponsive, wounds.
H1N1 Virus
"Not only did Biocence eradicate the H1N1 virus within the culture cells, but it left the culture cells infected with a non-pathogenic bacteriophage (non-pathogenic virion used in the control cell-culture) unaffected." - 2009 Study on Biocence vs H1N1 Virus
Below is data to the influenza A (H1N1) virus results to consider on other Virus classification realm: An RNA virus is a virus that has RNA (ribonucleic acid) as its genetic material.[1] This nucleic acid is usually single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) but may be double-stranded RNA (dsRNA).[2] Notable human diseases caused by RNA viruses include Ebola virus disease, SARS, rabies, common cold, influenza, hepatitis C, hepatitis E, West Nile fever, polio, measles, and Coronavirus.
An in vitro demonstration of the virucidal activity of BGP/(Biocence)
In April of 2009, the first outbreak of Influenza A, Serotype,
H1N1, was isolated in Mexico. It soon spread worldwide and by
June of 2009 the World Health Organization declared a state of
global pandemia (Lepek, et al, 2015). The significance of this
mutable variation of Influenza A was a result of a genomic
rearrangement or recombination between human Influenza
A/H3N2, avian Influenza A/H1N1 and the classical swine
Influenza A/H1N1; this “ triple re-assortment” resulting in an
Eurasian “avian-like” swine Influenza A/H1N1 virus (2015, p.5).
This was a very significant event because this was first time that
various strains of the Genus, Influenza A, had a genomic
recombination that created a rapidly spreading mutant virus strain.
Biocence then was tested Aug. 28 –Sept. 4 (final report September
18, 2009) in a BSL 3 laboratory against Influenza
A/Swine/Iowa/15/30 strain of swine Influenza A to see if there
would be veridical effects against this new serotype or strain. The
results were significant. There was a 99.97% eradication of this
mutant virus strain within 30 seconds of culture (*monkey kidney
cells) inoculation. And not only did Biocence eradicate the H1N1
virus within the culture cells, but it left the culture cells infected
with a non-pathogenic bacteriophage (non-pathogenic virion
used in the control cell-culture) unaffected. This was significant
because the H1N1serotype was listed as an impending world wide
pandemic-producing, viral agent by the W.H.O. with proposed
significant global morbidity/mortality statistics. This also
demonstrated that Biocence acted as a “selective” anti-viral
(antimicrobial) drug (FDA listing is a “Human OTC Drug” ).
* In the BSL 3 laboratory they used monkey kidney cells for the
test culture because these cells represent a very close genomic or
genetic similarity to human cells.
1. Biocence demonstrated a rapid virucidal activity.
2. Biocence demonstrated a rapid virucidal effectiveness against
the Gr. V, -/ssRNA, Family, Orthomyxoviridae, Genus, Influenza
A, serotype, H1N1
3. Biocence demonstrated a unique and singular “Selective” anti-
viral (pathogenic vs. nonpathogenic) activity.
Lepek, K., Pajak, B., Rabalski, L., Urbaniak, K., Kucharczyk, K., Markowska-Daniel, I.,& Szewczyk, B. (2015). Analysis of Co-infections with Influenza A/H1N1 StrainVariants among Pigs in Poland by Multi-temperature Single-Strand ConformationalPolymorphism. Biomed Research International, 20151-9 9p. doi:10.1155/2015/535908
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the antiviral properties of a product against Swine Influenza A (H1N1) virus when exposed (in suspension) for the specified exposure time. The protocol is a modification of the Standard Test Method for Efficacy of Antimicrobial Agents Against Viruses in Suspension (ASTM E 1052)”
Staph infection
"OMG this spray works miracles!! Kicked my staph infection, sprayed it in my ears, nose, and throat to kick a head cold, helped with a friend's boil, helps with type 1 diabetic infections. Will never again be without a bottle!!"
Biocence has been proven effective against Anthrax in independent laboratory testing.
The report published studies in The Journal of Burn & Wounds 12/6/04 titled “Combating Anthrax” “The Anti-Infective Armaentarium” has clearly shown that the efforts of your team in putting the formula together in the “Bio-Germ Protection” products details the success in eradicating the anthrax bug, as well as we believe will be successful against Smallpox, the Plague, and other pathogens possibly used by terrorist. We have found it to be extremely effective against a majority of Enterobactericae, otherwise known as the gram-negative organisms isolated from the gastrointestinal tract, which include non-enterics such as Pseudomnas aeruginosa. This product is also effective against the staphylococci and streptococci to include VRE. The product also promotes wound healing and an effective antibacterial.
What I find most interesting and unique in the Bio-Germ Protection formulations is that it can be used not only for cutaneous protection and or infection but has application for preventing or treatment of inhalation injuries as an aerosol. We have shown that the Bio-Germ Protection invitro environment is bactericidal against both the Ames & Sterns strains of Bacillus anthracis in several replicate studies.
John P. Heggers, PHD, FAAM,BCLD(AAB)
Professor, Surgery (Plastic)
Microbiology & Immunology
Poison Ivy
We have received many testimonials from Biocence users claiming Biocence reduced the effects of Poison Ivy.
suggested Urological Surgical Applications
Pre/Post-Operative Epithelial Disinfection/Antisepsis on all anatomical surfaces: men women and children of all ages.
Intra-vesicular lavage or fluid instillation as safe and effective antimicrobial solution for the urothelium and preventative antisepsis with ureteral reflux.
Intra-peritoneal or retro-peritoneal lavage or instillation of Biocence solution for safe and effective, post-operative antimicrobial antisepsis.
Pre-catheterization disinfection of inanimate surfaces and equipment associated with Ureteral Stint procedures, Cystoscopic procedures, Trans-Uretheral Prostatic procedures, Supra-pubic vesicular catheterization.
Safe and effective antimicrobial antisepsis with boy’s penile and scrotal surgical procedures and urogenital procedures in girls.
Safe and effective for Hand/Face Hygienic Clinical Protocols for ALL healthcare providers, Pre-op and Post-op.
Safety for patient of all skin types (adults & children) clinician, respondent and handler (in Vivo RIPT study data) “Duality of Purpose” (Multi-use), ie: Protection by Prevention Through Prophylactic Applications). Over the last 13 years, Biocence has been safely applied without any recognized epithelial or systemic reactions in infants 2-3 months old and in pregnant women at various gestational periods. A statement made after (in Vivo) clinical vetting by the Wound Care Council of the GPO (previously named Novation llc) that Biocence is an “Advanced Wound Care Technology” “Biocence has been hand-selected by The Wound Council, which consists of seasoned WOCN’s (Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurses) and clinicians, to receive an Innovative Technology award because the Council concluded that the product demonstrates improved clinical outcomes to patients and there are no other similar products on the market.” An “Innovative Technology” award was given to Biocence.
“Selective,” anti-microbial (supports and nurtures beneficial microbes) efficacy while eradicating pathogenic microbial agents (those causing infection and disease). Biocence demonstrated its anti-viral effectiveness with a study (2009) using Monkey kidney cells, performed at a BSL 3 laboratory against the Influenza A, serotype, H1N1, with a kill time of less than 30 seconds and an eradication total of 99.97%. “Empirically through Observation” data supports nano-particulate “cidal” (killing) effects that address (fogging or misting applications) the eradication-effectiveness against the airborne routes of dissemination of bacterial and viral microbial agents.
The mutability of micro-organisms (viral, bacterial and fungal) and their escalation of re-assortment/recombination mechanisms, assures their survival, regardless of what synthetic pharmaceuticals are introduced into the treatment pharmacopeia. What is required is the health care system’s re-education in these axiomatic truths and the incorporation of therapeutic agents and protocols that address these clinical absolutes. Products and/or technologies that have demonstrated their “cidal” efficacy, without micro-organism engenderment of tachyphylaxis or mutagenically-induced drug resistance, are paramount to aggressive AMR suppression. A “selective” antimicrobial, pan- pathogenic, microbiocidal-drug marquee is required. This basic clinical requirement is absolute if the unique, singularity of all closed systems can effectively address the microbial-variants that are in habitation in each and every different closed system.