Dr. Adappa and Dr. Palmer teach you How to do Nasal Irrigation


Dr. David Weber D.V.M.

Blessings to you and yours! I've cured five out of five panleukopenia kittens four weeks old. Panleukopenia usually has a 90% mortality rate. I squirt it right in their mouths every day.  They run around the cage eating drinking playing with toys.


Marcie Erickson, Co-founder and Co-director of Grace Center n Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.

We have been greatly blessed by Biocence. We have found the greatest success in the gastro-intestinal illnesses. The results I am seeing for vomiting and diarrhea are amazing and this is probably the greatest health issue we have here. Thank you again. We are so grateful. You are truly saving lives here.


Carole Ward, Favor International Inc. | Founder and International Director 

Blessings Alan

I wanted to take a moment and thank you personally for blessing us with Biocence in 2021 when I was there in Houston.  This biocence has been such a blessing and used in numerous ways in our clinic in Uganda with outstanding results.

I am in the U.S. currently but heading to Juba, South Sudan on July 9th and wondering if you would consider donating a couple more boxes for our use in our clinic in Juba.  One of the things I had in mind are the street children we minister to on a daily basis.  They have open flesh wounds that are so difficult to heal because of malnutrition.  I know biocence would expedite the healing process and enable us to minister to these boys.

If you are able to - please ship to Favor International, 611 Greenbriar Dr., Brandon, Fl.  33511

Again, thank you so very much for what you are doing for the Kingdom.  Thank you for the biocence that has been such a blessing!  Thank you for loving and caring for people in 3rd world countries and for partnering with us in helping many.  My prayer is that God will multiply the seeds you have sown back to you 100 times over.

Until all have heard,


Lori Lord, RN, Austin TX. I am a registered nurse and have used Biocence for years, primarily for wound care, as an antiseptic and antibacterial with great results. Most importantly, Biocence kills harmful bacteria without damaging regenerative tissue. Great product!


Rick S.Garrison, M.D. I have now been using Biocence for my patients for over a year. I have several cases where the application of this compound has resulted in improvement and resolution of skin infections caused by MRSA (i.e.Methicillin Resistant Staph Auereus). In addition, I have also used it with success with patients who have an indwelling gastric tube for infections that occur around the opening. I recommend it highly as a safe and effective treatment for these conditions and will continue to use it on our patients as well.


Jim Baiseri (Business Consultant) Enterprise Risk Analyst – Minority Business Development Agency – U.S. Department of Commerce

This is a miracle product without any side effects. I use it for any and all injuries, cuts and bruises. I also use it as a preventive use product against any upcoming virus. I have used it for toe fungus and found it to be very effective in arresting this condition. I developed this condition when I was in Viet Nam and have never found anything to control it. I developed prostate cancer and had a radical prostatectomy and the surgeon told me that some of the cancer had migrated to the bed of the prostate and that I may have to have radiology treatment. I have been using this product sublingually daily and my PSA has remained at less that .1 which is considered undetectable. My doctor remains puzzled as to why the cancer cells remain dormant. I recommend this product to everyone!


Regina Bardo, RN Infection Prevention Surveillance Nurse Mission Hospital, Mission Viejo, Ca., Mission Hospital, Laguna Beach, Ca.

I work in Infection Prevention at Mission Hospital, Mission Viejo. I recommended Biocence® seeing dramatic Improvement in an MRSA skin infection that, despite a year of topical and oral antibiotics had not completely healed.

Thanks so much!

This report from an Infection Prevention Surveillance Nurse (RN) whose job it is to see what is true functional medicine working to prevent deaths from infections, verifies what Biocence® is and does: Reduction in infection causing diseases while greatly reducing healthcare cost.



The ARMY NEEDS BIOCENCE...the universal medical remedy to kill any/all known bacteria or germ, on contact, with no side effects. I am a 35-year-old Army veteran, Major General (RET,), and have used the oral/topical fluid for over 15 years while trying to have our ARMY get it throughout our own medical treatment umbrella...literally hundreds of thousands of lives will be made more livable and longer.

Our Story

BIOCENCE® Is the only OTC Botanical Anti-Pathogenic Selective Multi-use Advance Wound Care And Antiseptic Droplets Made In The USA that eradicates antibiotic-resistant bacteria, virus, fungi and mold in 30 seconds time or less without harm to healthy cells making it micro selective. A nonprescription, or over-the-counter (OTC) human drug medicine like Biocence Botanical.

Biocence is a unique, incomparable and “stand alone,” “Selective Antibacterial, Antiviral,” OTC Botanical Human Drug that has shown in repetitive USA BSL 3-4 independent laboratory challenges, its 30 second or less “kill times” on ALL pathogenic Bacterial/Fungal Phyla and all VII viral groups, while supporting beneficial microbes. Its R.I.P.Ts clinical studies have shown 100% non-reactive, treated epithelial surfaces, regardless of gender, age and ethnicity. Whether Biocence is being utilized for Wound (Acute, Chronic, Burns, Lacerations, Abrasions), Ostomy (Colonostomies, Ileostomies, Peritonostomies, TPN-shunts) and Continence Care (Intra-urethral and intra- vesicular catheters); Neonatal/Pediatric wards (IV sites, Intra-ventricular shunts, endotracheal tube apsepsis); Diabetic wards with pre/post-op amputees and their requirements for “stump” antisepsis and treatment of ulcerative lesions associated with the Low Leg Syndrome; and patients in Skilled Nursing Facilities with the innumerable, “pressure point” ulcerations, Biocence Botanical is an effective, safe and multi-purpose, “Human OTC Drug,” that will positively affect the morbidity/mortality statistics in all venues of the healthcare industry while greatly reducing health care cost and can be used both on animate and inanimate surfaces.

Marcie's testimony: Grace Center foundation ETHIOPIA

Enat had head fungus and it is almost gone after applying biocence daily. This mother's child came to the nurses with fungus and a bacterial infection (diarrhea) and has almost fully recovered since starting biocnece.  

We have been greatly blessed by Biocence. We have found the greatest success in the gastro-intestinal illnesses. The results I am seeing for vomiting and diarrhea are amazing and this is probably the greatest health issue we have here. Thank you again. We are so grateful. You are truly saving lives here. Marcie relayed, "Several times a year we would often have children hospitalized and on oxygen due to pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses. We began using Biocence in diffusers that would diffuse it into the air. We rarely, if ever, have a child hospitalized with any sort of respiratory illnesses now.

I often tell people it's like liquid gold!"

Mission Trip Kenya 2022, 2023,

Witness a Miracle: Kingdom Fountain of Life’s Journey of Faith Across Africa | Part 1


As we reflect on this trip there have been so many amazing & miraculous moments and events which took place.

Truly we look forward to sharing them with you.

One of the accounts relates to a little boy whom we now call 'Cheetah boy.'

A couple of days ago, on our way to one of the villages, we stopped off at a watering hole where some children were sitting and gave them some candy. We then proceeded in search of villages.

Unknown to us, a 7 year-old boy followed our vehicle and ran some 6 1/4 miles after us. He had no pants, some worn, dusty sandals and just wore a green t-shirt. Amazingly he arrived at the village where we stopped. At that time we did not know what had taken place and thought that he was from that village.

After we shared the Gospel, prayed with the people and distributed maize flour, 'Cheetah boy' was able to receive a small bag of flour for his family. As we were leaving that village, he stopped us and asked for a ride to his village. We agreed and he came into the vehicle.

While we were traveling John, found out from

' Cheetah boy' how far he had come from following us.

We dropped him off at his home and continued to the next village. Shortly after we arrived at the next village we realized that 'Cheetah boy' had followed us again.

The tenacity and endurance of this seven-year-old child, who was in search of food for his family overwhelmed us all. There is so much that we can all learn from this young boy's press and determination.

Kenya update:  "Suffer  little children to come unto me, and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of God."

We are so grateful to our dear friends Allan and Cassie who have been supplying us with Biocence so that we could bless the people and minister especially to the children.
In this region, the children's scalps and skin are greatly affected due to the prevailing conditions..
In each village we visit we were able to spray the heads and the skins of the children and even adults and leave bottles of this product in the hands of  responsible persons in each village.
Thank you Father for blessing Allan & and Cassie and  for their heart toward the people.
We pray a special blessing on their ministry and business and are grateful to God the Father for this Divine connection.

Mission Trip Kenya 08-09, 2023,

Mission update:

Good morning everyone. We praise Abba that yesterday was another victorious day on the mission field.
We returned to a large Boma (village) that we had visited during our last trip in April.
We saw several familiar faces including a grandmother who testified that she was blind and the Lord had restored her vision on our last trip.
When we visited this village, we also sprayed the heads of the children with Biocence, which was so generously donated to us by a dear brother and sister.
Over the years we have sprayed many children heads with Biocence but this was about the worst we have seen thus far. We believe that the drought, lack of water, together with poor sanitary conditions, have contributed significantly to varying skin infections affecting adults and children alike.

Here again we distributed approximately
470 lbs of flour to the community

After we left this village, we went to visit Sandy, a young 5-year-old boy who we had seen on our last trip.
This was a very sad visit.
As some may recall, at the age of 8 months he was diagnosed with fluid in his brain. The doctors operated and put a tube running from his head all the way down to his bladder, charging the parents over 400,000 Kenyan shillings. They gave the assurance that the fluid would drain in about a year's time. The family sold all they had and are currently living in abject poverty.
Owing to the fact that Sandy has not been mobile for so long, and due to the conditions under which he lives, sores have set in around his head. His little body lies frail and he is in severe pain.
Here again we were able to treat his head with the Biocence and was able to leave some food and medical supplies for his mother to treat his wounds. Thank you for your continued prayers for this family and all those whom the Lord touched yesterday.

Today we travel to a new region and people group and will be on the road for several hours.
Thanks again for keeping us in prayer. Love peace and blessings to you all.

Mission Trip Kenya & ZOMBIA 09-10, 2023


Allan - Thank you so very much - how grateful I am.  The boxes arrived at our office in Florida and I'm taking them with me to South Sudan very soon.  What a blessing and we literally know that Biocence saves lives.  We don't know what will unfold in the weeks and months ahead but are so grateful to have this resource for myself and our precious team.

As you have given to Favor - you have given to the Lord and I pray multiplied blessings back to you and everything you set your hands to do.  

Thank you many times over,

Carole Ward

  Favor International Inc. | Founder and International Director


The Wonders of Biocence


Report from India

October 2019

Dear Biocence Team,

Thank you very much for sharing Biocence with us in India. We are so grateful to you for this wonderful oil of healing. God has many miracles through this anointed liquid. Many have been blessed of this precious creation. I have written some stories so that you are aware of these healings. We have distributed Biocence in 20 villages and towns. It works better and faster than any other medicine. People believe in it. 

Story 1

We as a family went on hiking one day. My leg slipped as I was helping my daughter. I fell on the rocks and dragged my back so bad. There was a deep cut/scratch on my back and it caused me so much pain. I have applied Biocence on the injury three times every day. I did not use anything else. I got relief from pain and there was no infection at all. The cut was completely cured within a week. My entire family witnesses it. My wife and children were surprised.

Story 2

Bro. Solomon Babu is a friend of mine from a village called Mothe which is a couple of drive from Hyderabad. He is a Pastor. He was sick of Typhoid fever. He suffered from high fevers every evening for 10 days. He was very weak. His body ached too much. I prayed over him and gave him a bottle of Biocence. I suggested him to put 6 drops twice a day under his tongue. He did it for a week and he felt strong. There is no sign of fever or body pains. He is healed with nothing else but Biocence. He requested me to give him more so that he can use it for the sick in his church.


 Story 3

Sister Chandri is pregnant with her second child. Her sugar levels fluctuated significantly. She felt so weak often. She could not sleep. She was so worried. My wife and prayed over her. We gave a bottle of Biocence to her. I suggested that she can take 6 drops once every day under her tongue. She went for her regular scans but she took no medicine but Biocence. The doctors were surprised that her sugar levels are back to normal and she gave birth to a healthy boy. We are so thrilled to see another cure.


Story 4

Bro. Narayana and his wife are newly married. I have been his mentor for 6 years. He is a lame man. Both of them work as teachers in a school. He shared a prayer request that both of them have been suffering from an infection in their private parts. I prayed for them and presented them a bottle of Biocence. I suggested them to apply a little bit of it on the infected areas twice every day. They called me and reported that they are completely healed from the infection. Their sex life is so exciting. What a joy to testify such healing.


 Story 5

Bro. Sathyanarayana works for our children’s home. He suffered a great pain in his left hand. He could not lift any weights. He could not lift his hand. He cried many nights. He saw a doctor and tried some medicine for a week but no change in his condition. He felt pain in his bones, muscles and nerves. I gave him a bottle of Biocence. I suggested him to apply it over his shoulder and massage over it twice every day. I also suggested him that he can take 6 drops under his tongue once every day. He saw a difference within three days. He is completely healed in 10 days. He is a very strong believer of Biocence now. 


 Story 6

Sister Rani is 22 and she works as a teacher. She dropped a very hot soup on her leg. It burnt so bad and few layers of her skin was destroyed. I prayed with her and gave her a bottle of Biocence. I suggested that she can apply it over the injury thrice every day. She did that for 10 days and her injury was healed. Her skin is being restored gradually. She is so happy.


Story 7

Bro. Gopal works as a designer sitting at his desk all day. He also has a part time job to drive a cab. Both his jobs caused him sever back pain. I presented him with a bottle of Biocence and suggested him to in-take and to apply it on his back. He did that for 20 days and experienced a relief from his back pain. His wife Karthika suffered a stomach pain and weight loss. She also used Biocence along with good diet. Her stomach pain disappeared and she gained 15 pounds within two months.


 Story 8

Bro. Kantharao is a missionary among tribal people in a place called Chinthur. He faces so many sick people every day. He and his wife suffer from diabetes. Dr. Gary presented him with a bottle of Biocence. He testifies that the sugar levels in their bodies are normal after a long time. He also mentioned that those who came to him with sickness for prayer and medicine, he prayed and put biocence under their tongue. It worked every single time. People are healed from fever, stomach pain, headaches, lose motions, throw ups, skin allergies etc. He requests for more and he could use every day.


There are many more stories and I will write them to you in the days to come. Biocence is truly a blessing to us. It is on a high demand. Thank you for your love and generosity. We are so grateful to you. Thanks to Dr. Gary who comes to us once every six months and stays with us for a month each time. He brings healing and life when he comes to us. We love you all. The need is greater. Please send a few more bottles along with Dr. Gary in February 2020.

Prayers and Blessings for you!

Rev. Samson Veruva

Gethsemane Baptist Church

Hyderabad, India. 




Hyderabad, India



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 Story 9

He is 55 years old. He is married and has five children. He had high fever. He goes cold and his body shivers. He was so weak that he could not sit straight. He suffered body pains all day long. We suggested him to take 6 drops under his tongue twice every day. He stopped taking other medicine after he started taking Biocence. The fever left the next day and the body pains left him with in a couple of days. He started to work within a week. He knows that Biocence is what cured him. 



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 Story 10

She is 65 years old. She has been suffering from digestive problems. She could not sleep for many nights for she had abdominal pain. Every time she ate she felt bloated, had trouble digesting food and was often constipated. She started using Biocence. She took five drops mixing in a glass of water before every meal. She did that for a week. “It works” “It works” she says. She is free from the pain and no difficulty in her entire digestive system. She enjoys her food and sleeps better.




Story 11

She is 50. She has been suffering from body pains for many months. She can’t sleep well. She did not feel like eating. She tried bioscience. She took six drops under her tongue, twice a day for a week. Everything changed. No body pains. She eats well and sleeps well. So she works better. She is so grateful to Biocence. She is a happy and healthy woman now.



Story 12

She is 29. She has been suffering from Asthma for 7 years. She could not breath easy sometimes. She suffered cough, sneezing and running nose every day. She tried medicine but not much of a help. She started taking Biocence five drops in a glass of water twice every day for a month. She noticed a big change in her chest. She breaths better. Cough and sneezing is no more. She is still fighting the running nose but she believes that Biocence can take care of that as well. She says “thanks to Biocence”. 



 Story 13

He is 35 and his daughter is 10 months old. She cried every night. The parents have no idea why. They had to travel a long way from their village to see a doctor. They tried Biocence, one drop in her mouth, twice every day. They did that for five days and she plays well. She sleeps well. “Biocence is a great gift from God” says Ramarao. All he talks about is about Biocence. It works for kids and babies.




 Story 14

She is 55. She suffers from Thyroid. Her legs are swollen often. She could not help her children and grandchildren. She was worried. She started using Biocence one teaspoon every day. She did that for 10 days. Her thyroid is under control and her body is restored to the original design. She is so thrilled to experience this. She is grateful to Biocence. 

I am so grateful to you for sending Biocence to us. It’s definitely a huge blessing. You are a blessing to us. Thank you once again for all that your do for us. 

We love you!

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